
aargh am\ collapse am\ glare am\ nod am\ shiver am\ think self

accept am\ comb am\ goose am\ noogie am\ shrug am\ threaten self

accuse am\ comfort am\ grimace am\ nudge am\ shudder am\ tickle self

ack am\ confused am\ grin am\ nuzzle am\ sigh am\ tie self

adjust am\ conspire am\ groan am\ ogg am\ silly am\ tight self

agree am\ contemplate am\ grope am\ pant am\ sing am\ tip self

air am\ cough am\ grovel am\ passout am\ skull am\ toast self

anticipate am\ cover am\ growl am\ pat am\ slam am\ tongue self

apologize am\ cower am\ grumble am\ peck am\ slap am\ tweak self

applaud am\ cramp am\ hand am\ peer am\ slit am\ twiddle self

atomic am\ cringe am\ head am\ pet am\ slobber am\ twitch self

attention am\ criticize am\ hiccup am\ pie am\ smile am\ type self

babble am\ cry am\ highfive am\ pinch am\ smirk am\ undress self

bark am\ cuddle am\ hmm am\ pissed am\ snap am\ urinate self

bat am\ curtsey am\ homework am\ plead am\ snarl am\ view self

bcatch am\ dance am\ hop am\ point am\ sneer am\ village self

beam am\ daydream am\ howl am\ poke am\ sneeze am\ waggle self

bearhug am\ deepkiss am\ hug am\ polite am\ snicker am\ wait self

beat am\ depants am\ hump am\ ponder am\ sniff am\ wave self

beckon am\ discodance am\ hush am\ pound am\ snore am\ whap self

beer am\ doh am\ insane am\ pout am\ snort am\ whine self

beg am\ dose am\ jig am\ powertrip am\ snowball am\ whip self

bird am\ drool am\ judge am\ pray am\ snuggle am\ whistle self

bite am\ duck am\ kiss am\ propose am\ sob am\ wiggle self

bkiss am\ embrace am\ knee am\ puff am\ soulgrab am\ wince self

bleed am\ exhale am\ laces am\ puke am\ spam am\ wink self

blink am\ explode am\ lag am\ punch am\ spank am\ wonder self

blush am\ eyebrow am\ laugh am\ purr am\ speedload am\ worry self

boast am\ facepalm am\ lean am\ puzzle am\ spit am\ worship self

bodytear am\ faint am\ leer am\ question am\ squeal am\ wrestle self

boggle am\ fart am\ lick am\ rack am\ squeeze am\ wrist self

bong am\ fatality am\ life am\ ram am\ squirm am\ yae self

bonk am\ flare am\ lightbulb am\ ramble am\ stagger am\ yawn self

boot am\ flash am\ liver am\ raspberry am\ stare am\ yeehaw self

bounce am\ flex am\ love am\ renounce am\ starve am\ yodel self

bow am\ flinch am\ lust am\ rofl am\ stretch am\ yowl self

brb am\ flip am\ make am\ roll am\ strip am\ zerbert self

buff am\ flirt am\ massage am\ romeo am\ stroke am\

burp am\ flutter am\ masturbate am\ rose am\ strut am\

cackle am\ fondle am\ meditate am\ ruffle am\ sulk am\

camel am\ fool am\ mischievous am\ run am\ support am\

caress am\ french am\ moan am\ sage am\ swear am\

charge am\ frown am\ moo am\ salute am\ sweep am\

cheer am\ fume am\ moon am\ sbitch am\ swoon am\

chortle am\ gack am\ mosh am\ scratch am\ tackle am\

chuckle am\ gag am\ muaha am\ scream am\ tag am\

cigar am\ gasp am\ mull am\ scuff am\ tank am\

clap am\ gbong am\ mutter am\ serenade am\ tease am\

claw am\ giggle am\ nibble am\ shake am\ thank am\
























































You collapse on the floor from exhaustion.

You glare at nothing in particular.

You nod.


You sit back and listen to the gears in your head turn.

You accept the profferred apology graciously.

You comb your hair - perfect.

You reach your hand out, waiting for someone to back up into it.

You make a head locking motion and shake your fist at it -- the universal sign of the noogie.

You shrug.

You threaten everyone with your overwhelming presence.

You look around for someone to accuse.

Do you feel uncomfortable?

You grimace painfully at the thought.

You scoot over, as if nudged.

You shudder at the horror and repress tears.

Whom do you want to tickle?

What? You smell something really bad?

Your confusion is showing.

You grin evilly.

You twitch your nose, contemplating nuzzling someone in the room.

You sigh.

You pull out a length of rope, ready to tie someone down.

[Imitidoras Hero-Nets]:'Is AP shield best on mud?'

You look around, make sure nobody is watching, and you adjust your "Tool."

You wink conspiratorily, waiting for the countersign.

You groan loudly.

Ogg who?

You do the silly walk all around the room.

You agree absolutely.

You bite your lip contemplatively.

You lift your hands up and begin to make squeezing motions.

You pant lustily.

You raise your clear (?) voice towards the sky.

You tip your hat gallantly.

But you're not in an airship!

Yuck, try to cover your mouth next time!

You grovel in the dirt.

You belch and pass out.

You look around for an eye to pluck...

You raise a glass of champagne in a toast.

You murmur 'Sssssoonnn, my presssssciousssss...'

You cover your ears to protect them from the noise.


Pat who?

You slam your head into the desk or the nearest wall.

You slowly give your tongue a nice workout.

You apologize until you are blue in the face.

You cower in a corner.

You grumble distractedly to yourself

You peck at the air, emulating a chicken.

What is the sound of one hand slapping?

[someone Hero-Nets]:'currently'

Tweak who?





























































Clap, clap, clap.

You gasp and clutch your abdomen, wheezing with the pain.

Kiss whose hand?

You peer around yourself intently.

You pull out a small dagger and think about opening a few throats..

You patiently twiddle your thumbs.

Who shall suffer the wrath of an Atomic Wedgie?

You cringe in terror.

You toss your head haughtily.

You rub your hands through your own hair.

You slobber down your front.

You twitch nervously.

You cough loudly to get everyone's attention.

You begin to criticize everyone in the room! Meanie!


You pick up a pie and toss it around for a bit.

You smile happily.

You can't type for crap tonight! You give up in frustration!

You babble endlessly.


You jump in the air and give a BIG high five to...umm...absolutely nothing.

You say, 'A pinch of this, and a dab of that.'

You smirk.

You start to undress in the shadows, waiting for someone to notice.

You bark loudly.

Whom do you feel like cuddling today?

You hmm quietly.

You are PISSED!

Eureka! You snap your fingers.

You take a piss.

Battle whom?

You curtsey to your audience.

[Imitidoras Hero-Nets]:'I find it odd that it has no AC bonus'

Your suddenly remember that you have to defend your thesis today...

You beg and plead to anyone who will listen.

You grizzle your teeth and look mean.

You sit back and watch the world go by.

You reach out and rescue the bottle from its flight.

Feels silly, doesn't it?

You hop around like a little kid.

You point in every direction.

You sneer in disdain.

All these idiots and you can't pick one who's around?

You beam delightedly at nothing in particular.

You dream of better times.

You howl at the moon.

You begin to make wierd poking motions in the air.

Gesundheit !

You waggle your eyebrows seductively.

You open your arms, beckoning everyone to join you in a group hug.

You search about the room longingly for someone to kiss.

Hug whom?

You give a polite little chuckle.

You snicker softly.

You wait patiently.

In a fit of rage, you begin savagely beating your head against the wall.

You sneak around, looking for trousers to drop.

You look around for a leg to hump.

You ponder the question.

You sniff sadly. *SNIFF*

You wave.









































































You beckon for everyone to follow.



You make vague pounding motions with your fist at the thought.


You look around for an idiot to whap.

You pull out a six-pack.

You realize your mistake and slap yourself in the head and yell DOH!

You feel your sanity slipping away...

Ah, don't take it so hard.

You snort derisively.

You whine to anyone who will listen to you.

You beg the gods for mercy.

You whip out some's time to get wasted.

You stand up and start doing a jig.

You scream 'The PPppppPOOOOoooWWWwwwErrRRR!' and writhe.

You look around for snow to make a snowball with.

You crack your bullwhip menacingly.

You flick a bird...How obscene!

A string of drool dangles from your chin.

What dost thou wish to speak to the Gods?


You whistle innocently.

You do not have Judge Blood.

You glare around, muttering "Bite me..." under your breath.


Isn't there someone you want to kiss?

You propose to everyone in the room.

You sob quietly to yourself.

Your wiggle your bottom.

You blow kisses to the air.

You hold your arms out, longing for someone to embrace you.

You raise one knee, preparing to do justice...

You mimic Puff at her most annoying.

You look around for a fresh soul.

You wince in agony.

You bleed profusely -- making a horrible mess!

You let out a big puff of smoke, and couch a little from your bong exhale.

You search everyone's feet in the room, looking for someone with laces.

You puke...chunks everywhere! YUCK!

You mutter, 'spam' quietly to yourself again and again.

Have you got something in your eye?

You bat your eyelashes.

You feel the blood boiling in your veins!

Yes, yes.

You aren't fighting anyone.

You grab your imaginary pony and spank the air playfully.

You wonder about how things could have been.

Your cheeks are burning.

You raise an eyebrow at the notion.

You fall down laughing.


Rock 'n Roll!

You worry about what's going to happen.

You boast loudly of all your amazing accomplishments.

You slap yourself in the forehead, muttering, "Idiots."

You lean against a nearby wall, looking cool.

Hmmm you looked puzzled? Something wrong?

You spit in utter disgust.

You prostrate yourself and worship the gods!

Who would you like to rip into two pieces?

You faint.

You peer around the room, leering like the pervert you are!

Is your question in the form of an answer?

You squeal with delight!

You search for a victim to take on with your mad sleeper hold.

You boggle at the concept.

Where are your manners ?

You lick your mouth and smile.

You look for someone to rack.

You look for someone, or something, to squeeze.

You hold out out a wrist for a slap.

























































You grab your 50ft gravity bong and take a toke.

You cheer at the carnage before you.

You try to get a life, and fail.

You whip out a red hot poker and look around for an ass to ram it up.

You squirm uncontrollably in your consternation.

You sigh, burdened with Yet Another Eeediot.


You flare your nostrils disdainfully.

*Ding!* Inspiration!

You ramble on and on.

You stagger blindly around the room.

You must be tired.

You look for someone to kick!

You grin and strut as you open your coat and show what you've got!

You look angrily for someone to disembowel.

You stick your tongue out at ... well, no one.

You stare at the sky.

You mount your pony(?) and shout YEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAW!


You flex your muscles proudly!

You love the whole world.

You fall to your knees and renounces all to your god.

You show your prominent ribs and hope that someone will take pity.

You think of Julie Andrews and start to yodel.

You bow deeply.

EEEK... You flinch in obvious pain.

Your hormones begin to rage.

You roll on the floor, laughing hysterically.

You lean back and streeeeeettch your arms and legs.

You yowl in frustration.

Hope to see you soon!

You flip head over heels.

You breathe heavily and wetly.

You roll your eyes in disgust.

You do a slow strip tease for the people...

Gotta zerbert SOMEBODY.

You buff your nails on your cloak.

You flirt outrageously.

You offer everyone in the room a massage...Hope you're ready to pay up.

You light up a Romeo y Julietta cigar and puff contentedly.

You stroke the air vaguely.

You burp loudly.

You flutter your eyelashes seductively.

You reach into your pants and begin beating off wildly.

You show everyone your --'--,--@.

Strut your stuff.

You cackle gleefully.

Who needs to be fondled ?

You assume a very comfortable position and begin to meditate.

You've got to ruffle SOMEONE.

You sulk.

You pretend you are a camel.

Fools, fools everywhere! Look at them all!

You give a mischievous smile at the trouble you have in mind.

You run away in terror and horror!

You fully support the plan.









































Who do you wish to caress?

You stick your tongue out, flicking in the air like some kind of pervert.

You start to moan.

You nod sagely.

You swear loudly for a long time.

You charge into the fray!

You frown disapprovingly.

You chew your cud and moo plaintively. Muh-OOOOO!

You put your hand above your right eye, and salute the air.

You look at your empty arms and sigh.

You cheer and dance as the joy within you bursts forth!

Take it easy now! count to ten, very slowly.

You drop your drawers and moon everyone in the room!

You look for someone to bitch slap.

You swoon.



You mosh insanely around the room!

You scratch yourself contentedly.

You're going to tackle everyone in the room?!

You chuckle politely.

Ewwwl, what kind of noice is that?

You throw your head back and start cackling evilly. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Tag whom?

You sit back and light up a large cigar.

You gasp in astonishment.

You mull over the idea at hand, asking for patience.

You scuff your foot sheepishly.

You boldly offer to tank for your everyone else. Are you sure you know what you're getting into?

You clap your hands together.

You reach out and grab the gravity bong.

You mutter quietly to yourself.

You raise your voice in a loud serenade to your invisible love.

What a tease. SHEESH.

[*OOC*]Relic 'Finally'

You tighten your hands into a fist.

You giggle.

You begin to nibble for no apparent reason.

You shake your head.

Thank you too.

aargh self

collapse self

glare self

nod self

shiver self

think self

accept self

comb self

goose self

noogie self

shrug self

threaten self

accuse self

comfort self

grimace self

nudge self

shudder self

tickle self

ack self

confused self

grin self

nuzzle self

sigh self

tie self

adjust self

conspire self

groan self

ogg self

silly self

tight self

agree self


grope self

pant self

sing self

tip self

air self

cough self

grovel self

passout self

skull self

toast self


cover self

growl self

pat self

slam self

tongue self

apologize self

cower self

grumble self

peck self

slap self

tweak self

You get even MORE frustrated when you can't find anyone to throttle!

You clench your chest and dramatically collapse to the ground!

You glare icily at your feet, they are suddenly very cold.

You attempt to nod at yourself and get dizzy instead.

You shiver to yourself?

You hold your chin in your hand and begin to think to yourself...

You accept your own apology. Strange, you never remembered doing anything wrong??

You comb your hair back smoothly. Too cool for school, man!

You pinch yourself on the rear, you must be desperate.

You rub your head and create a static charge...

You shrug to yourself.

You assume a threatening posture and coerce yourself into submission.

You accuse yourself.

You make a vain attempt to comfort yourself.

You grimace painfully at your thoughts.

You nudge yourself, for some strange reason.

You begin to shudder uncontrollably.

You tickle yourself, how funny!

You ack at yourself. ACK ACK ACK!

You've managed to confuse yourself!

You grin at youself. You must be getting very bad thoughts.

I'm sorry, friend, but that's impossible.

You sigh at yourself. You MUST be lonely.

You start to tie yourself up.

You "adjust" yourself, find it agreeable, and spend several moments at it. Zoinks!

You attempt to conspire against the fiend that you are!

You groan as you realize what you have done.

If you do that, the universe will explode.

You begin to bust a silly move right where you stand!

You strip down to your tights and parade about the room...

You find yourself most agreeable.


You grope yourself - YUCK.

You feel hot and flustered and pant to yourself.

You sing a little ditty to yourself.

You cock your hat to one side in an attempt to be different.

But you're not in an airship!

You hack up some phlegm.

That seems a little silly to me.

You fall over onto the ground.

You pluck out your own eye and skull fuck yourself...

You grin evilly and toast yourself.


You frantically shield your body from everyone in the room!

You growl at yourself. Boy, do you feel bitter!

You pat yourself on your head, very reassuring.

You take your fist and violently punch yourself in the face.

You slowly tongue yourself.

You are afraid of your own shadow!

Why bother?

You must REALLY like yourself.

You slap yourself, silly you.

You just start tweaking the fuck out for no apparent reason.

applaud self

cramp self

hand self

peer self

slit self

twiddle self

atomic self

cringe self

head self

pet self

slobber self

twitch self

attention self

criticize self

hiccup self

pie self

smile self

type self

babble self

cry self

highfive self

pinch self

smirk self

undress self

bark self

cuddle self

hmm self

pissed self

snap self

urinate self

bat self

curtsey self

homework self

plead self

snarl self

view self

bcatch self

dance self

hop self

point self

sneer self

village self

beam self

daydream self

howl self

poke self

sneeze self

waggle self

You applaud at yourself. Boy, are we conceited!

You begin to frantically search for a way out of this place!

You kiss your own hand.

You get a little cross-eyed with your attempts to stare yourself down.

With a small dagger you open both your wrists....problems????

You twiddle your ears like an elephant.

You reach behind yourself and grab your underwear, yanking them deep inside your crack.

You cringe at what you just did.

Why would you do that?

You pet yourself.

You slobber all over yourself! Have some composure will ya?

You jerk your head about and begin twitching.

You criticize yourself profusely.

You bury your face in the pie... yummmmm!!! :)

You smile at yourself.

You babble on and on to yourself, FINALLY! someone who LISTENS!!

You cry to yourself.

You try to give yourself a high five. What ARE you thinking?

You pinch yourself to see if you are dreaming!

You smirk at yourself. Okay.....

You slowly start to undress.

You bark at yourself and jump back in fear.

You must feel very cuddly indeed ... :)

You hmm at yourself.

You are PISSED at yourself!

You snap yourself to attention.

You piss all down your leg...nice aim...

You battle with yourself... Ouch!

You curtsey to your audience (yourself).

You plead with yourself to forget about doing what it is you are about to do.

You snarl at yourself.

You look around frantically for some beer!

You skip and dance around by yourself.

You pretend you are a bunny rabbit.

You point at yourself, obviously very confused.

You sneer at the thought...

Nah, you don't want to be the Village Idiot. Trust me.

Well, aren't you special?

You drift off into a daydream.

You poke yourself in the ribs, feeling very silly.

You hold your hand over your face and sneeze. Good manners you have!

You waggle your eyebrows at yourself. Freak.

bearhug self

deepkiss self

hug self

polite self

snicker self

wait self

beat self

depants self

hump self

ponder self

sniff self

wave self

beckon self


hush self

pound self

snore self

whap self

beer self

doh self

insane self

pout self

snort self

whine self

beg self

dose self

jig self



whip self

bird self

drool self

judge self

pray self

snuggle self

whistle self

bite self

duck self

kiss self

propose self

sob self

wiggle self

bkiss self

embrace self

knee self

puff self


wince self

You vainly clutch yourself in a bearhug for consolation.

You somehow manage to choke yourself on your own tongue.

You hug yourself.

You chuckle at your own joke, since no one else would.

You snicker at your own evil thoughts.

You give yourself some time.

You beat yourself in the head. The hell you doing?

You drop your trousers and dance around with your pants around your ankles.

You snap your spine and begin to hump your own leg.

You think about the question deeply to yourself.

You sniff sadly at your lost opportunities.

Are you going on adventures as well??

You beckon to your shadow to follow.


You realize you are loud and obnoxious and try to silence yourself.

You begin to pound your chest like an ape!

Ow! You give yourself a resounding whap upside the head.

You pop off the top and down a beer.

You have DOH!ed yourself.

You look down at your hands and begin to cackle maniacally!

You pout quietly to yourself.

You snort derisively at yourself.

You whine to yourself, probably the only one who will listen.

Begging yourself for money doesn't help.

You drop 6 hitz of LsD25 in each eye....have a nice trip...



You whip yourself into a frenzy.

You flip yourself off!

You drool down the front of your shirt.

You Pray: self

Please include your problem or question when you pray so the correct

immortal May help you with your problem. Do not pray with such things

like 'may I get a tell' or 'help!', It will be ignored. Thank You.

You snuggle up, getting ready to sleep.

You whistle a little tune to yourself.

You do not have Judge Blood.

You bite your knuckle in anguish.

You duck yourself down, for no apparent reason.

All the lonely people :(

You are SO full of yourself!

You sob.

You wiggle about like a fish.

You blow a kiss to yourself... isn't the world beautiful?

You try to console yourself with a loving embrace.

You crack your head against your knee. God that hurt!


You wince at your own remark.

Your mouth is parched.

You are starving.

Eat something or die.

Krogenar [Q/A] Answers '[1574] 'a crescent moon earring'| Lvl:101 Type:jewelry WearLoc:ear Flags:glow magic anti-good anti-evil burn_proof Saves:-4 HP:75 Mana:75 HitRoll:5 DamageRoll:5 '

bearhug self

deepkiss self

hug self

polite self

snicker self

wait self

beat self

depants self

hump self

ponder self

sniff self

wave self

beckon self


hush self

pound self

snore self

whap self

beer self

doh self

insane self

pout self

snort self

whine self

beg self

dose self

jig self

powertrip self

snowball self

whip self

bird self

drool self

judge self

pray self

snuggle self

whistle self

bite self

duck self

kiss self

propose self

sob self

wiggle self

bkiss self

embrace self

knee self

puff self

soulgrab self

wince self

You vainly clutch yourself in a bearhug for consolation.

You somehow manage to choke yourself on your own tongue.

You hug yourself.

You chuckle at your own joke, since no one else would.

You snicker at your own evil thoughts.

You give yourself some time.

You beat yourself in the head. The hell you doing?

You drop your trousers and dance around with your pants around your ankles.

You snap your spine and begin to hump your own leg.

You think about the question deeply to yourself.

You sniff sadly at your lost opportunities.

--> Tajseed has attained level 97!

Are you going on adventures as well??

You beckon to your shadow to follow.


You realize you are loud and obnoxious and try to silence yourself.

You begin to pound your chest like an ape!

Ow! You give yourself a resounding whap upside the head.

You pop off the top and down a beer.

You have DOH!ed yourself.

You look down at your hands and begin to cackle maniacally!

You pout quietly to yourself.

You snort derisively at yourself.

You whine to yourself, probably the only one who will listen.

Begging yourself for money doesn't help.

You drop 6 hitz of LsD25 in each eye....have a nice trip...

You conjure a snowball from the thin air and throw it at yourself.

You whip yourself into a frenzy.

You flip yourself off!

You drool down the front of your shirt.

You Pray: self

Please include your problem or question when you pray so the correct

immortal May help you with your problem. Do not pray with such things

like 'may I get a tell' or 'help!', It will be ignored. Thank You.

You snuggle up, getting ready to sleep.

You whistle a little tune to yourself.

You do not have Judge Blood.

You bite your knuckle in anguish.

You duck yourself down, for no apparent reason.

All the lonely people :(

You are SO full of yourself!

You sob.

You wiggle about like a fish.

You blow a kiss to yourself... isn't the world beautiful?

You try to console yourself with a loving embrace.

You crack your head against your knee. God that hurt!

You reach into your own body and remove your soul....You're dead...moron.

You wince at your own remark.

bleed self

exhale self

laces self

puke self

spam self

wink self

blink self

explode self

lag self

punch self

spank self

wonder self

blush self

eyebrow self

laugh self

purr self

speedload self

worry self

boast self

facepalm self

lean self

puzzle self

spit self

worship self

bodytear self

faint self

leer self

question self

squeal self

wrestle self

boggle self

fart self

lick self

rack self

squeeze self

wrist self

bong self

fatality self

life self

ram self

squirm self

yae self

bonk self

flare self

lightbulb self

ramble self

stagger self

yawn self

boot self

flash self

liver self

raspberry self

stare self

yeehaw self

You bleed all over yourself.

You blow a bong hit out, and catch it back in your mouth.

You tie your own shoelaces together, try to walk, and promptly fall.

You puke on yourself.

For a moment, you consider spamming yourself, but then on second thought wonder what's the point when you have this overly long social to do it for you. Then you decide good point and forget about ever thinking about it in the first place.

You wink at yourself ?? - what are you up to?

You try to convince yourself of your innocence.

Your soul burns brightly, then fades into nothing...

You aren't fighting anyone.

You spank yourself....HMMMMMMM...

You wonder about yourself and your purpose here.

You blush at your own folly.

You furl your eyebrows with a sour look.

You laugh at yourself. I would, too.

You purr quietly to yourself.

Paranoid...aren't we?

You worry about what's going to happen.

You boast to yourself of all your great feats! Your own biggest fan.

You're being redundant, you know.

You try leaning against yourself. Failing that, you fall over.

Why you puzzled about yourself.

You spit on yourself, pretty nasty eh?

You worship yourself.

You grab your own ears and rip yourself in're a moron.

You feel faint.

Desperation has reached new heights, hasn't it?

You question yourself. HOW SINFUL ARE YOU!!!

You pretend you are a pig and squeal. Oink oink!

You wrestle with your conscience.

You boggle at yourself. Hmmm...intriguing.

You fart at yourself. You deserve it.

You lick your own eyebrows.

You twist yourself into a messed up state trying to rack yourself.

You squeeze yourself - try to relax a little!

You slap your own wrist.

You offer yourself the bong.

You raise your arms in the air and yell: VICTOLY!

But you have none to give!

You cram a red hot poker up your ass.....OUCH!!!

You begin squirming for no apparent reason.

You bonk yourself for the Eeediot you are!

You bonk yourself, fool that you are.

*Sniff* But you should LOVE yourself!

You inspire yourself with your own ideas!

You ramble on to yourself, having found a captive audience.

You cover your mouth and yawn politely.

You do a somersault trying to boot yourself.

That's sick.

What's the matter? Drink too much?

You try to stick your tongue out at yourself... somehow, it isn't the same.

You stare dreamily at yourself - enough narcissism for now.

You hop on your imaginary stick pony, wave your imaginary hat and yell *YEEEEEEHAAAAAAW!*

bounce self

flex self

love self

renounce self

starve self

yodel self

bow self

flinch self

lust self

rofl self

stretch self

yowl self

brb self

flip self

make self

roll self

strip self

zerbert self

buff self

flirt self

massage self

romeo self

stroke self

burp self

flutter self

masturbate self

rose self

strut self

cackle self

fondle self

meditate self

ruffle self

sulk self

camel self

fool self


run self

support self

caress self

french self

moan self

sage self

swear self

You bounce your head like a basketball.

You stand tall as you admire your own physique.

Well, we already know you love yourself (lucky someone does !)

You renounce all to yourself.

You refuse to eat!

Well, it's up to you if you want to damage your hearing.

You kiss your toes.

You can't believe what you did...

Oh, please! You aren't THAT great...

You fall over laughing at your own antics.

You make sure to let yourself know that you will be right back...

You tumble all over the room.

You put your hand up to your lips and start to make out with it (???)

You roll your eyes at what you did.

You can't DO that in public!

Careful, people are staring...

You flirt with yourself -- what ARE you trying to gain!?!?!?

You practice yoga as you try to massage yourself.

You are about to do something you'd rather not be caught doing.

You burp at yourself.

You try to flutter at yourself, but flinch in pain as an eyelash lodges in your eye!

You whip out your cock and spew all over yourself.

You give yourself a rose and feel a little sad...

You strut to yourself, lost in your own world.

You cackle at yourself. Now, THAT'S strange!

You fondly fondle yourself, feels funny doesn't it?

You sit down and hum to yourself, falling into a deep meditation.

You ruffle your hair, wondering how far you can go before the rest think you're crazy.

Way to screw up!

You light a Camel cigarette and inhale sharply.

Why call yourself a fool, there are better targets.

You give a mischievous smile at the trouble you have in mind.

Are you THAT ugly?

You hug yourself sadly.

You caress yourself. How sad...

You gather yourself in your arms and try to kiss yourself.

You moan at yourself.

You swear at your own mistakes.

charge self

frown self

moo self

salute self

sweep self

cheer self

fume self

moon self

sbitch self

swoon self

chortle self

gack self

mosh self

scratch self

tackle self

chuckle self

gag self

muaha self

scream self

tag self

cigar self

gasp self

mull self

scuff self

tank self

clap self

gbong self

mutter self

serenade self

tease self

claw self

giggle self

nibble self

shake self

thank self

You run your head into a brick wall. OUCH!

You frown at yourself. Poor baby.

You settle down into the center of your bovine Zen; the foolish world thinks you're just mooing.

You salute yourself.

You cheer silently for yourself since nobody else will

That's right - hate yourself!

You try to moon yourself, but you can't see your A** that well.

You slap yourself in the face.

You chortle at your own joke.



You tackle yourself down to the ground.

You chuckle at your own joke, since no one else would.

You begin to choke and gag!

You start cackling evilly to yourself. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

You scream at yourself. Yes, that's ONE way of relieving tension!

Unable to catch anyone else, you do the intelligent thing and tag yourself. You're still IT!

Xezat inhale on the cigar.

You look at yourself and gasp!

You ponder the idea deeply to yourself.

No one will tank for you, eh?!? WELL, YOU'LL SHOW THEM! (right?)

You clap at your own performance.

You mutter quietly to yourself.

You sing a loud serenade to yourself. What type of person are you?!

You tease yourself. NYAH NYAH NYAH.

You claw yourself to shreds!

You giggle at yourself, which makes you giggle at yourself, which makes you ...

You nibble on your OWN ear ???????????????????

You are shaken by yourself.

You thank yourself since nobody else wants to !

aargh am

collapse am

glare am

nod am

shiver am

think self

accept am

comb am

goose am

noogie am

shrug am

threaten self

accuse am

comfort am

grimace am

nudge am

shudder am

tickle self

ack am

confused am

grin am

nuzzle am

sigh am

tie self

adjust am

conspire am

groan am

ogg am

silly am

tight self

agree am

contemplate am

grope am

pant am

sing am

tip self

air am

cough am

grovel am

passout am

skull am

toast self

anticipate am

cover am

growl am

pat am

slam am

tongue self

apologize am

cower am

grumble am

peck am

slap am

tweak self

You scream your frustration and grab for his throat with both hands!

You collapse right into Amanar's arms.

You glare icily at him.

You nod at Amanar.

You shiver at the thought of fighting him.

You hold your chin in your hand and begin to think to yourself...

You graciously accept Amanar's apology.

You patiently untangle Amanar's hair - what a mess !

You tenderly goose Amanar on the tush.

You grab Amanar, get him in a head lock and NOOGIE him!

You shrug in response to his question.

You assume a threatening posture and coerce yourself into submission.

You look accusingly at him.

You comfort him.

You grimace at Amanar.

You nudge him.

You shudder at the horror that is Amanar.

You tickle yourself, how funny!

You hold your nose at the smell Amanar made!

You blink slowly, trying to decipher his comment.

You grin evilly at him.

You nuzzle his neck softly.

You sigh as you think of him.

You start to tie yourself up.

You nonchalantly reach over and attempt to "adjust" Amanar's crotch! What in the world are you thinking??

You induct his into your private conspiracy with a wink.

You groan at the sight of him.


You start acting silly at Amanar.

You strip down to your tights and parade about the room...

You nod in enthusiastic agreement with Amanar.

You contemplate the reason why Amanar is here.

Well, what sort of noise do you expect here?

You pant lustily at him.

You sing a ballad to him.

You cock your hat to one side in an attempt to be different.

But you're not in an airship!

You cough at Amanar, trying to get their attention.

You grovel before him

You become tipsy and pass out on Amanar

You grab Amanar by the hair and rip out his left eye, savagely fucking his skull...

You grin evilly and toast yourself.

You can't wait for what Amanar is about to do!

You glare at Amanar and cover your ears.

Grrrrrrrrrr....take that, Amanar!!!

You pat Amanar on his head.

You grab Amanar and slam their skull into the wall.

You slowly tongue yourself.

You might as well apologize because he sure as hell won't.

You cower away from Amanar and his harsh words.

You grumble at Amanar, disgusted with his presence.

Risking a slap to the face, you give Amanar a peck on the cheek.

*thwock!* You slap Amanar ringingly.

applaud am

cramp am

hand am

peer am

slit am

twiddle self

atomic am

cringe am

head am

pet am

slobber am

twitch self

attention am

criticize am

hiccup am

pie am

smile am

type self

babble am

cry am

highfive am

pinch am

smirk am

undress self

bark am

cuddle am

hmm am

pissed am

snap am

urinate self

bat am

curtsey am

homework am

plead am

snarl am

view self

bcatch am

dance am

hop am

point am

sneer am

village self

beam am

daydream am

howl am

poke am

sneeze am

waggle self

You just start tweaking the fuck out for no apparent reason.

You clap at Amanar's actions.

You hammerlock him, screaming, "AAAAARRRRRGH!! I HAVE A CRAMP!!!"

You kiss his hand.

You peer intently at Amanar.

You pull back Amanar's head and drag a blade across his throat..

You twiddle your ears like an elephant.

You sneak up behind Amanar and grab his underwear, and with a mighty yank, put them over his head.

You cringe away from him.

You toss your head haughtily at Amanar.

You begin to run your hands through Amanar's hair.

You slobber on Amanar.

You jerk your head about and begin twitching.

You cough loudly at Amanar to get his attention.

You criticize him with all the warmth of a snake.

You toss a pie at Amanar and hit him right in the FACE!

You smile at him.

You babble to Amanar for hours on end.

You cry on his shoulder.

You jump in the air and give a BIG high five to Amanar!

You squeeze his bottom and grin.

You smirk at his saying.

You slowly start to undress.

You bark at Amanar scaring him silly -- SHAME ON YOU!!

You cuddle him.

You hmm at Amanar.

You turn a stoney gaze toward Amanar... you are SOOO pissed at Amanar!

You snap back at him.

You piss all down your leg...nice aim...


You curtsey to him.

You fall to the feet of Amanar, pleading desperately for your life!

You snarl at him.

You reach out and rescue the bottle from its flight.

You lead him to the dancefloor.

You try to hop on Amanar's back, hoping for a ride.

You point at Amanar.

You sneer in open contempt at Amanar.

Nah, you don't want to be the Village Idiot. Trust me.

You dazzle Amanar with your smile.

You stare absent-mindedly towards Amanar.

You howl soulfully at Amanar.

You poke him in the ribs.

You sneeze all over Amanar. How disgusting!

You waggle your eyebrows at yourself. Freak.

bearhug am

deepkiss am

hug am

polite am

snicker am

wait self

beat am

depants am

hump am

ponder am

sniff am

wave self

beckon am

discodance am

hush am

pound am

snore am

whap self

beer am

doh am

insane am

pout am

snort am

whine self

beg am

dose am

jig am

powertrip am

snowball am

whip self

bird am

drool am

judge am

pray am

snuggle am

whistle self

bite am

duck am

kiss am

propose am

sob am

wiggle self

bkiss am

embrace am

knee am

puff am

soulgrab am

wince self

bleed am

exhale am

laces am

puke am

spam am

wink self

You overwhelm Amanar with a great, big, hulking bearhug.

You slide your tongue between Amanar's wanton lips, taking his breath away.

You hug him.

You indicate your underappreciation of his joke.

You snicker with him about your shared secret.

You give yourself some time.

Why is Amanar so stupid? You start beating your head against the wall hoping for an answer.

You sneak up behind Amanar and yank his pants down!

You begin to hump Amanar's leg.

You ponder Amanar's reason for being here.

You sniff sadly at the way he is treating you.

Are you going on adventures as well??

You beckon for Amanar to follow -- sure hope they do!

You grab Amanar and disco wildly! Groovy!

You nicely ask Amanar to be more quiet.

You pound him into a bloody mass.

Ow! You give yourself a resounding whap upside the head.

You toss a bottle of beer at Amanar.

You DOH! at Amanar for their stupid mistake.

You give Amanar one crazy ass look!

You curl your bottom lip and pout at Amanar.

You snort derisively at Amanar.

You whine to yourself, probably the only one who will listen.

You desperately try to squeeze a few coins from him.

You spray liquid acid all over Amanar...hope they can handle it...

You dance a jig for Amanar.

You throw a snowball in Amanar's face.

You whip yourself into a frenzy.

You shoot a bird at Amanar.

You drool messily on Amanar.

Your mouth is parched.

You are starving.

Eat something or die.

You Pray: am

Please include your problem or question when you pray so the correct

immortal May help you with your problem. Do not pray with such things

like 'may I get a tell' or 'help!', It will be ignored. Thank You.

You snuggle him.

You whistle a little tune to yourself.

You do not have Judge Blood.

You bite Amanar on the neck.

You duck defensively, anticipating the oncoming swipe from Amanar.

You kiss him.

You kneel and romantically propose to Amanar.

You sob quietly to yourself because Amanar has hurt your feelings so badly.

You wiggle about like a fish.

You blow a kiss at Amanar and wonder if he will catch it.

You wrap your arms around Amanar in a warm and loving embrace.

You knee him hard in the groin.

You ram your hand deep into Amanar body and kindly remove their immortal soul.

You wince at your own remark.

You bleed on Amanar -- ewww!

You blow your bong hit into Amanar face.

With the greatest of stealth, you tie his shoelaces together.

You puke on him.

You SPAM Amanar mercilessly!

You wink at yourself ?? - what are you up to?

blink am

explode am

lag am

punch am

spank am

wonder self

blush am

eyebrow am

laugh am

purr am

speedload am

worry self

boast am

facepalm am

lean am

puzzle am

spit am

worship self

bodytear am

faint am

leer am

question am

squeal am

wrestle self

boggle am

fart am

lick am

rack am

squeeze am

wrist self

bong am

fatality am

life am

ram am

squirm am

yae self

bonk am

flare am

lightbulb am

ramble am

stagger am

yawn self

boot am

flash am

liver am

raspberry am

stare am

yeehaw self

bounce am

flex am

love am

renounce am

starve am

yodel self

You blink innocently at Amanar.

You feel your rage explode deep in the pit of your stomach...

You aren't fighting anyone.

You spank him playfully.

You wonder about yourself and your purpose here.

You get all flustered up seeing him.

You raise your eyebrow at Amanar.

You laugh at Amanar mercilessly.

You rub up against Amanar and purr contentedly.

Just what are your intentions?

You worry about what's going to happen.

You boast to Amanar of all your great deeds.

You slap Amanar in the forehead, driving home the point of what an idiot he is.

You lean against Amanar.

You give Amanar a puzzling face.

You spit on're gross!

You worship yourself.

You grab Amanar by his ears and with a yank, you rip his body into two perfect pieces.

You faint into his arms.

You leer at Amanar like the pervert you are.

You give Amanar that 'Hey, I want to know' face.

You look at Amanar and squeal with delight!

You wrestle with your conscience.

You boggle at Amanar.

You fart at him. Boy, you are sick.

You lick Amanar's jawline delicately.

You grab Amanar and slap him across your shoulders, racking him viciously.

You squeeze him fondly.

You slap your own wrist.

You offer Amanar the bong.

You intone, 'Amanar wins. Fatality.'

Amanar needs to get a life!

You grab Amanar and rape his up the ass with a red hot poker.

You look at Amanar and squirm with delight.

You bonk yourself for the Eeediot you are!

You bonk Amanar on the head for being such a moron.

You flare your nostrils disdainfully at Amanar... HOW RUDE!

You ramble on to Amanar about your past adventures.

You stagger toward Amanar as the room begins to spin.

You cover your mouth and yawn politely.

You place your boot up Amanar's ass!!

Swiftly you jerk open your jacket, trying to get him to notice you.

You rip out his liver and eat it.

You give Amanar the raspberry... and spit all over yourself.

You stare dreamily at Amanar, completely lost in his eyes..

You hop on your imaginary stick pony, wave your imaginary hat and yell *YEEEEEEHAAAAAAW!*

You bounce onto his lap and wiggle about.

You show off to Amanar, flexing your muscles proudly.

You tell your true feelings to Amanar.

You yell at Amanar to renounce all to your god.

You throw yourself upon his mercy, begging for food.

Well, it's up to you if you want to damage your hearing.

bow am

flinch am

lust am

rofl am

stretch am

yowl self

brb am

flip am

make am

roll am

strip am

zerbert self

buff am

flirt am

massage am

romeo am

stroke am

burp am

flutter am

masturbate am

rose am

strut am

cackle am

fondle am

meditate am

ruffle am

sulk am

camel am

fool am

mischievous am

run am

support am

caress am

french am

moan am

sage am

swear am

charge am

frown am

moo am

salute am

sweep am

You bow before him.

You flinch in response to Amanar's disdain.

You have lust after Amanar.

You fall to the floor laughing at Amanar's remark.

You secretly let Amanar know that you'll be right back.

You flip him over your shoulder.

You steam up the windows with him.

You look at Amanar and roll your eyes in disgust.

You start to undress Amanar ... one piece of clothing at a time...

Careful, people are staring...

You flirt with Amanar trying to get his attention.

You gently massage Amanar's shoulders.

You gently stroke his inner thigh. Amanar inhales sharply.

You burp loudly to him in response.

You flutter your eyelashes at Amanar, trying to be seductive.

You beat off all over Amanar.

You give him a pretty rose.

You strut to get his attention.

You cackle gleefully at Amanar

You fondly fondle him.

You meditate on the concept of Amanar.

You ruffle Amanar's hair playfully.

You sulk at what Amanar has done.

You light a Camel cigarette for him.

You call Amanar a fool and everyone joins, chanting Fool! Fool!

You grin mischievously at him, thinking an evil thought.

You run away from Amanar in complete terror!

You hug him supportively and smile.

You tenderly caress him.

You give Amanar a long and passionate kiss, it seems to last forever...

You moan for the loss of him.

You swear at him.

With surprising dexterity, you head-butt Amanar!

You frown at what he did.

You focus all your bovine Zen on Amanar, and speak your thoughts. Muh-OOOOO!

You raise your hand and salute Amanar.

You sweep him into your arms and kiss him long and deeply.

cheer am

fume am

moon am

sbitch am

swoon am

chortle am

gack am

mosh am

scratch am

tackle am

chuckle am

gag am

muaha am

scream am

tag am

cigar am

gasp am

mull am

scuff am

tank am

clap am

gbong am

mutter am

serenade am

tease am

claw am

giggle am

nibble am

shake am

thank am

You cheer Amanar on and wish him good luck!

You stare at him, fuming.

You bend over and moon Amanar.

You slap Amanar for being such a big BITCH!!

You look at Amanar and swoon in ecstasy.

You chortle mischievously at Amanar.

Appalled, you gack at Amanar.

You mosh sadistically against Amanar ... you WILL be punished.

You tackle Amanar playfully.

You chuckle at his joke.

You gag on Amanar.

You look at Amanar and start evilly laughing. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

ARRRRRRRRRRGH! Yes, it MUST have been his fault!

>From nowhere, you pounce on Amanar and TAG him remorselessly! BWAHAHA!!!

You offer Amanar a cigar.

You gasp as you realize what he did.

You scuff your foot, avoiding Amanar's gaze.

You offer to tank for Amanar.

You clap at his performance.

You mutter something to Amanar.

You raise your voice in a loving serenade to Amanar.

You tease Amanar in a playful way.

You claw his eyes out... GROSS!

You giggle in his presence.

You nibble on Amanar's ear.

You shake his hand.

You thank Amanar heartily.