Hero Activities
Location: Forest of Destruction
Suggested group: Soloable with most classes
Reward: Leather Breeches
Located in the repeating maze inside the Forest, move 2wn repeatedly until you see a down exit. Move three down and kill the behir. He has a chance to kill you instantly so you should be familiar with how to quickly return to the room. He does not deal heavy damage. Bring the loot from behir to Gunderwhelp in Forest of Destruction and drop the horns on the ground. Give Gunderwhelp 1 silver, say "take your damn horns" and "reward".
Cloud Strife
Location: Northern Crater. Go through the tunnels and enter the lifestream.
Suggested group: Mercenary and healer
Reward: Cloud Hair Spike
Once in the lifestream the room furtherst down contains Jenova Death. When she dies, she will drop a portal on the ground that will lead you to Cloud. He is not aggressive so you may enter and finish battle preparations in the room with him. While not especially tough to kill he has an mprog named "Knights of the Round", dealing massive damage to everyone in the room regardless of engagement. The best strategy is to bring many mass healing potions. Use full heal as often as possible and supplement with mass healing potions.
Dlabraddath and Druth Daern
Suggested party: 1 Healer Priest 1 Tank Priest 1 Glad. 2 Monks. All combat classes should group together with the tank Priest. Druth blinds anyone in the room frequently so every party member should have both Priests friended to receive cure blindness, heals and cancellation to deal with weaken.
Before beginning the run in ernest, one party member needs to enter Druth's room and die. Druth will sometimes throw the party member out instead of killing him. Repeatedly enter until the member dies. This only happens once, so get it out of the way now.
Go to north east section of Dlabraddath and clear vines until you reach the temple.
enel erin panta ten quel corm (to open the lich's temple)
From center location unlock the seals:
1st Seal
Holy Mithril Staff of Revelation - n2en
Benevolent Adamantium Staff of Revelation - n2e
Angelic Mithril Staff of Revelation - e2n
kuile druth daern (awake druth daern)
2nd Seal
True Ebony Staff of Revelation - e2se
Radiant Adamantium Staff of Revelation - ese
Ordinary(red) Mithril Staff of Revelation - e2s
asta de ar auta (arise and go forth)
3rd Seal
Twisted Mithril Staff of Revelation - s2ws
Dark Adamantium Staff of Revelation - s2w
Ordinary(white) Ebony Staff of Revelation - sws
Tessa au I ndor (reclaim your realm)
4th Seal
Evil Ebony Staff of Revelation - w2nw
Malevolent Adamantium Staff of Revelation - n2w
Demonic Ebony Staff of Revelation - w2n
luma annon rusva (the seal is broken)
The tank Priest enters the room first. Do not immediately follow as just like with the sacrificial party member, Druth may throw them back out of the room. Once the Priest is engaged, the rest of the party can follow the same process to enter. Remember he will frequently blind people in the room, so Mercenaries will need to strike. If the healer gets engaged they should flee and return. The healer's priority order should be healing the tank, curing Gladiators of their blindness and curing their own blindness so they can recite. Once Druth reaches 5%, he will begin to quickly heal every round of combat.
After Druth dies, a party member who is not entangled should go west and loot his corpse. The corpse will rot along with everything in it if not looted quickly, including the key for the treasure room. Loot the skeletons in the treasure room and unlock/open the altar to loot it. The altar contains a Necrotic Brand and two candelabras that combine to make The Eternal Orb of Magefire. Most of the party will be entangled, blind and weakened. It will take some time after looting the treasure room to cure all these spells. The holder of the key from Druth's corpse should remain behind in case the doors shut if the area resets during this phase. Once everyone is cured, leave the area and lotto as usual.
Forest of Destruction
Forest of Destruction: Tower
Warning: This area is flagged FREEPK. Enter at your own risk with a group you trust.
Location: Northeastern corner of the Cemetery
Suggested group: Gladiator/Strider tank, healer and two Mercenaries. It can be done with less but may take extremely long to complete.
Rewards: Human Skull Helm, A Spear called "Soul Drinker" and other minor items
You can fight the mobs through the Cemetery or cast blindness them and flee to make it through. Once you enter the tower, you cannot turn back. There are four levels to the tower with each level having a boss. There is also a final mob at the very top.
Ice: Use flaming weapons. The mobs here bash so you should not use a vuln bash tank.
Fire: Use freezing weapons. The mobs here dispel and the healer should keep an eye on the tank's sanctuary.
Lightning: Use acidic weapons.
Death: Use holy or piercing weapons. The mobs here energy drain targets in the room randomly.
At the top of the tower is the Demon Knight of Chaos. He wanders between the two rooms at the top. One of the rooms can be recalled from, the other is no_recall. He can be energy drained and dispelled. He has an mprog that deals approximately 2500 damage through sanctuary to everyone in the room. The best way to counter this is to quaff mass healing potions after every time the mprog hits.
Forest of Destruction: Crypt
Warning: This area is flagged FREEPK. Enter at your own risk with a group you trust.
Location: Forest of Destruction
Suggested group: Healer, tank and as many melee as you can get together. A second healer isn't a bad idea, either.
Rewards: Gauntlets of the Ages, Robe of the Ancients, The Halberd known as "Blood Feaster"
Crypt is best performed just after a crash/reboot of the game. All melee characters should wield holy weapons for the entire run. The hallway leading to the final boss will not have as many mobs to kill if you catch it early enough. The hallway will load two different types of mobs, Tortured Souls and Enslaved Souls. Tortured Souls should be targeted first as they frequently cast meteor swarm. Enslaved souls frequently cast divine wrath, so the healer should keep an eye on everyone's sanctuary. As you work your way south, you will find yourself at a small crossroad leading east and south. South is a shop that sells fragments to make The Redeemer of Souls. It takes five fragments to make a Redeemer and they cost 2k platinum each. East the hallway filled with Souls continues leading up to Lord Vindigar, the final mob. He has a small lifeforce that can be energy drained and is simple to kill after making it through the hallway.
Gillentalis the Great Wyrm
Location: Inside a puddle in the Forest
Suggested group: Soloable with most classes
Reward: Axe of the Nine Hells
Once you locate and enter the puddle, Gillentalis will be at the end of the path. He is a simple hack and slash kill. After he dies, loot the chest for your reward.
Infernal Genesis
Location: Darrowmere
Suggested group: Mercenary and healer Vuln: Pierce
Reward: low chance of Pure Darkness
Locate a mansion in the southeast section of town. Find Hawke in the upstairs bedrooms and kill him to obtain his staff, which is a key used to gain access to the room with Infernal Genesis. Head to the basement and kill both mobs in a room guarding the entrance to the initial mob. These guards can either be killed or scared. Once you enter and kill the initial mob the Infernal Genesis will spawn. Blind him to reduce his damage. Simple hack and slash will kill him.
Location: Misty Forst
Suggested group: Mercenary and healer Vuln: Fire
Rewards: low chance of a Irridescent stone of tears, chance of Armlet of Luck (mid-range leveler wrist item), chance of a healing potion and chance of no reward
Located in a hidden part of the northeast of Misty Forest, Legadrialas is an old mage located up a tree. He has sanctuary and protection evil, so adjust your alignment to neutral or good before engaging him and have protection good cast on yourself. He is vulnerable to fire damage. Once under 20% he will begin dealing increased damage and will likely blind anyone he is engaged with. Potential rewards will be in his corpse.
Mist Dragon
Location: Village of Mist
Suggested group: Healer and Mercenary. Can also be soloed with a res slash Strider.
Rewards: A Pendant of Neverhaze, Concealing Mist and A Buckler of Mist (leveler shield)
Find Baravor in the Caves of Mist and kill him. He is in a hidden room. This is best done with a Wizard because he has some lifeforce to work through and he teleports around the Caves of Mist for which scrye comes in handy. He has a high chance to drop the Gem of Mist.
Bring the Gem of Mist from Baravor to the Chapel of Neverhaze, also a hidden room. Rest with the gem in your inventory. If nothing happens, stand and hold the gem in your hand and rest again. You will be transferred to a new room with the First Elder who will after a moment give you a Scroll of Neverhaze.
Go to the Village of Mist and enter the book shop with the Scroll in your inventory. The shopkeeper will buy the scroll from you and list a key for sale, which you need to buy.
In the northeastern house, there is a hidden down exit. The key from the book shop will unlock it. Move down. The room will appear to be completely empty but there is a hidden portal that you can use "enter 1." to access.
The Mist Dragon is to the north. He does 400-500 slashing damage in a single hit (and can hit up to three times per round), an mprog that deals 1800 damage and an mprog that will cast lightning, flame, frost and acid breath simultaneously. A two person group is recommended. It can be soloed with a Elf Strider equipped with 100+ mass healing potions. The Mist Dragon drops the Buckler of Mist on death.
On death, the Mist Dragon will transport everything in the room to a new room where you will fight The Incarnate of Bitter Sorrow. This mob will die extremely easy compared to the Mist Dragon. Pick up Concealing Mist when it dies.
Open the shattered maousolem and get the Pendant of Neverhaze.
Myth Drannor
Suggested group: Wizards only
Red Wyrm: On the west side of town, you'll find a down exit that is pickable using a Wizard's demon. The central room in this small area has a locked door west. Use the demon once again to pick the door and kill the wyrm. Bring some healing potions. Rewards: White dragonscale armor, Demon tongue whip
Central alhouns: In the center of town there is a room with two alhouns in it and a pickable exit down. Kill both alhouns and use a Wizard's demon to pick the exit. Inside the crystal in this room is your reward. Rewards: Silver Dragon shield, Purple Pantaloons
East side alhoun: On the east side of town you will find five rooms that form a cross on your map command. The southern room has a single alhoun that carries your rewards. Rewards: Star Ruby,emerald encrusted ivory bracers
Baelnorn of House Belophnat: To the far north of town is a baelnorn protecting his family's cache. Kill him and unlock the door to the east. Inside are several items, though one item is of important note. Rewards: Tabard of House Belophnat and several other items
Ghost Armor: There is a small section of town that taps off the southern road. At the end is a pickable door that leads down. Kill all the mobs in the room, pick the lock and receive your reward.Reward: Ghost Armor, mid-range leveling item
Location: Crypts of the Undead
Suggested group: Soloable with most classes
Reward: Quazor's Broadsword
Located on the east side of the city, you will find a hidden exit roughly three rooms east of the entrance to town. Head all east from here and kill your way through two rooms of mobs to reach him. He is not aggressive and his sanc can be dispelled with a negating weapon or dispel magic. Blind him before death or there is a chance you will not receive your reward.
Ultima Weapon
Location: Northern Crater, down exit from the bowl
Suggested group: Mercenary and healer
Reward: Ultima Weapon
Ultima Weapon hits hard and has a sizable lifeforce. You can energy drain him and dipsel him; both are recommended to make the kill easier. He will occasionally meteor swarm so the healer should keep an eye out for this.
Location: Crystabelle Village
Suggested group: Mercenary and healer Vuln: Fire
Reward: low chance of Diamond Studded Wristband
Once you enter the village, move up to enter the air over the village. To the north will be Zaria's Tower. On one of the top floors is Yxen, the Tower Guard. He has sanctuary and protection evil, so adjust your alignment to neutral or good before engaging him and have protection good cast on yourself. He is vulnerable to fire damage. His damage is predictable and is an easy kill for the suggested group. Once he dies, take the key he drops and move up. Unlock the chest and loot it. Close the chest and lock it again if you wish to repeat the process. The room north of Yxen can be gated to, you may summon a gate mob there to make the process easily repeatable.
***Give yxen a silver before he dies to get the coins he is holding***
Once you get to Nord, buy a pet (be visible) and make sure you get the magical leash in you inventory. Then go see the old woman to start the sequence.
You say [OOC] 'materials'
The Old Elven Woman says 'Let us think. I will need a pair of spectacles, some oils.. something to keep me going...'
The Old Elven Woman says 'I need an evil talisman, some silver... Scales from a white dragon, and the wings from a winged horse.'
The Old Elven Woman says 'You bring me these and I will show you a thing or two... And that pesky old man...'
a pair of spectacles - enchanted specs (FoD)
some oils - squrriel nuts (Nord)
something to keep me going - coke (NT)
evil talisman - Talisman of doom (Dlab, Khesslar)
Scales from a white dragon - white dragon scales (TCH)
wings from a winged horse - wings of the pegasus
You say [OOC] 'gems'
The Old Elven Woman says 'What, you thought this simple trinket was payment enough?'
The Old Elven Woman snorts loudly in disdain.
The Old Elven Woman says 'Bring me a firey green emerald, a rose quartz, one glory gem that those big city folk are always talking about, a fine diamond,
a chromatic gem from that pesky Monkey...'
The Old Elven Woman says 'Don't ask me where you find them. If I knew I wouldn't need the likes of you, now would I deary?'
Firey emerald - fiery green emerald (SoS, with lapis)
a rose quartz -
one glory gem - Waterdeep's Glory Gem (waterdeep, merchants of the south on long road)
a fine diamond -
a chromatic gem from the pesky monkey - a Chromatic Monkey Gem! (BS)
Werewolf Isle
Collect the materials to make the paints and then see the painter in Werewolf Isle town.
You say [OOC] 'black'
Lusthero says 'For the Black I will need a few items to make it perfect.'
Lusthero says 'I will need a black diamond, a Black Dragon Lily and a tankard full of boiling acid.'
Lusthero says 'Once you have all those items, return to me and say [ready first paint] so that I can make the perfect blue paint that I need.'
black diamond (pirate ship)
Black Dragon Lily (in werewolf isle)
tankard full of acid (Dlab, Khesslar)
You say [OOC] 'white'
Lusthero says 'For the White I will need a few items to make it perfect.'
Lusthero says 'I will need a Mox Diamond, a a white poppy and a tankard full of boiling acid.'
Lusthero says 'Once you have all those items, return to me and say [ready second paint] so that I can make the perfect blue paint that I need.'
Mox Diamond (Polaris, attendant)
white poppy (werewolf isle)
tankard full of acid (Dlab, Khesslar)
You say [OOC] 'yellow'
Lusthero says 'For the Yellow I will need a few items to make it perfect.'
Lusthero says 'I will need a yellow garnet , a sunflower and a tankard full of boiling acid.'
Lusthero says 'Once you have all those items, return to me and say [ready third paint] so that I can make the perfect blue paint that I need.'
yellow garnet (crystabelle village, gem dealer)
a sunflower (waterdeep, on long road)
tankard full of acid (Dlab, Khesslar)
You say [OOC] 'red'
Lusthero says 'For the Red I will need a few items to make it perfect.'
Lusthero says 'I will need a Mirabar's Blaze Gem , a Bright Red Tulip and finally a tankard full of boiling acid.'
Lusthero says 'Once you have all those items, return to me and say [ready fourth paint] so that I can make the perfect blue paint that I need.'
Mirabar's Blaze Gem (waterdeep, merchants of the north)
a Bright Red Tulip (titan village)
tankard full of acid (Dlab, Khesslar)
You say [OOC] 'blue'
Lusthero says 'For the Blue I will need a few items to make it perfect.'
Lusthero says 'I will need a deep blue lapis lazuli , a blue hyacinth and finally a tankard full of boiling acid.'
Lusthero says 'Once you have all those items, return to me and say [ready fifth paint] so that I can make the perfect blue paint that I need.'
deep blue lapis lazuli (SoS)
a blue hyacinth (werewolf isle)
tankard full of acid (Dlab, Khesslar)
After you make all the paints, say make something truly amazing. You will receive a painting that you trade with the "town drunk". At the "town drunk" say trade it.
He offers you 4 items, the items are used for the following.
ripped gloves = werewolf gauntlets
bent sword = werewolf 1 hander weapons
????? boots = werewolf boots
bone key = to get to izuna
After you trade the item, go to the blacksmith in town. Give him the traded item and (3) wolf parts. Wolf parts are as followed.
wolf fur = boot
wolf skull = ring
wolf claw = gauntlet
wolf fang = weapon