Thri'kreen are a race of large, intelligent insects often referred to as "mantis
warriors". They roam the deserts and savannahs, where they have marked-out hunting
territories. They have no need of sleep and can remain active through the day and
night. They always have Haste, they are immune to diseases, charm and mental attacks.
They have a resistance against weapons and are very vulnerable to magic. Special skills
are Frenzy and berserk.
| Strength [STR] : 17(21) | Size : Large |
| Intelligence [INT] : 22(25) | Resistances : Magic |
| Wisdom [WIS] : 22(25) | Vulnerabilities : Pierce |
| Dexterity [DEX] : 16(20) | Immunities : Disease, Charm |
| Constitution [CON] : 25(25) | Perm. Affects : |