
+----------------------[ WATERDEEP NEWBIE HELP GUIDE ]----------------------+


| 1. When you die between levels 1-15, your corpse goes to the MORGUE! |

| 2. The Morgue is located 1 East from the Westbridge Local Recall. |

| 3. After Level 15, when you die, your corpse will remain where you died. |

| 4. You may PRACTICE +AND+ GAIN skills at the guilds in New Beginnings. |

| 5. After leaving New Beginnings, you may PRACTICE ONLY in Westbridge, |

| but may PRACTICE +AND+ GAIN skills at the guilds in New Thalos. |


| NEW BEGINNINGS GUILDS (To practice, gain, and train stats) |

| From Recall: 23 south, 1 west, local, 2 west, 1 north, 1 up, 1 north. |


| All the Following Directions Start From MARKET SQUARE. (Recall, 6 south) |


| THE WESTBRIDGE GUILDS (To Practice Your Skills) |

| Warrior's Guild: 2 east 1 south |

| Mage's Guild: 3 west 1 south |

| Cleric's Guild: 2 north 1 west |

| Druid's Guild: 2 north 1 east |

| Vampire's Guild: 4 north 2 east 1 south |

| Ranger's Guild: 4 south 2 east 1 north |

| Thief's Guild: 4 south 1 east 1 south |

| Monk Guild: 4 north 2 west 1 south |


| THE NEW THALOS GUILDS (To Practice & Gain Skills, Train Stats) |

| Warrior's Guild: 28 east 1 south |

| Mage's Guild: 40 east 1 north |

| Cleric's Guild: 29 east 3 north 1 west 1 south |

| Druid's Guild: 31 east 1 north |

| Vampire's Guild: 39 east 1 south 1 west |

| Ranger's Guild: 31 east 1 south |

| Thief's Guild: 39 east 1 south 1 east |

| Monk Guild: 34 east 5 north 1 east |


| Don't forget to visit Abkuku, Transport Moogle, to help you reach the |

| Forgotten Realms continent! 49 east. |


| Type 'HELP WD' for a guide to help files, which can & will help you! |

| See the website (help www) for area directions & tips! |

| Also check out '' for Tips, Dirs and More! |
